
Metta Meditation - Comments and Questions

A workshop and discussion on metta practice with Paramananda at the West London Buddhist Centre Sangha night.  Total running time: 59:01

The King and the Silent Buddha

Meditation teacher Paramananda tells the compelling story of the guilt-ridden king Ajatasatthu's visit to the Buddha, meditating in the Jungle with his Sangha. Includes Neruda poem. Sangha night, West London Buddhist Centre, Jan 2011.  Total running time: 48:28

Poetry, Soulmaking and Meditation

The Jungian commentator James Hillman suggested that 'soul' needs nurturing as well as 'spirit' in human life. He uses deeply meaningful poems to show soulmaking in action, and explains how the process can be brought into your meditation practice.  Total running time: 59:40

Mantra Meditation Q and A

Question and Answer session on the led mantra meditation also available on fba.  Total running time: 48:17

Mantra Meditation

A led meditation using three mantras: Vajrapani (energy), Avolokiteshvara (compassion), and Manjusri (wisdom).  Total running time: 1:04:14